Business Improvement
• Business Health Check • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) • Process flow analysis • Visual Management • Workplace Organisation
We visit an optician, dentist or doctor to check our health, but very rarely do we check the health of our business. Often, the symptoms of underperformance go unnoticed until it is too late. The consequence on our health from trying to correct these problems at such a late stage are often dire.
In order to avoid these issues, over the course of a few days we perform a full and comprehensive assessment of your business and produce a report of our findings. This includes identification of any early warning signs which could be detrimental to your business, and recommendations on how to overcome them.
• Strategy
The success of your organisation is dependent upon your ability to deliver value to your customers. In order to do this, you have to have an effective strategy! We help you develop this strategy by facilitating the entire business planning process.
We provide the tools and techniques needed to analyse your business and the environment you operate in. Ultimately, you will be left with a clear strategy, which can be communicated to your workforce, and clear objectives which must be achieved if you are to be successful.
We can also support you by offering:
• Business health check
• Key performance indicators (KPIs)
• Collaboration
• Business plans
• Capital investment evaluation
• Problem Solving:
Problems can occur in any area of a business. The ability to identify, analyse and implement effective solutions quickly is of paramount importance in minimising the cost and disruption of that problem. By using a structured approach to problem solving, we can equip people at all levels of the organisation to use the tools and techniques they need to:
• Identify, analyse and implement solutions
• Recognise when to escalate and issue
• Produce evidence to support decision making of escalated issues
We can also support you by offering:
• Development of standard operating procedures (SOPs)
• Visual management
• Workplace organisation
• Training
“As a Director of the 1st company in the UK to be awarded the Shingo Silver Medallion for Operational Excellence we know what good looks like and how to implement it.”
– Leigh Lawry – Director – 383 Solutions Limited.
•Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Key Performance Indicators are visual management aids (usually charts or graphs) which enable you to quickly assess how your business is performing on critical activities. When combined with effective targets they drive business performance in a number of key ways:
• The simple fact an activity is being measured means it is the focus of attention, so people work hard to improve it
• It clearly shows when performance is below expectation. This can be investigated and corrected (using ‘problem solving’ techniques will help here)
• It supports the allocation of resource to the important activities within the business
We work with you to identify the key activities for your business. We then develop appropriate KPIs, with good targets, and implement them so they become part of the fabric of your business.
We can also support you by offering:
• Process flow analysis / value stream mapping
Process flows analysis is the technique for reviewing a process and identifying ways of improving it. By removing inefficiencies (‘waste’) you reduce costs, increase profits and competitiveness! We help you identify, analyse and prioritise opportunities for improvement, producing a cost/benefit analysis where necessary. Using this approach enables appropriate resource to be allocated and clear objectives and timelines to be set.
We can also support you by offering:
• Business health check
• Standard operating procedures (SOPs)
• Visual management
• Training
• Visual management
Visual management is a quick and easy way of promoting efficient work practices within an area of the business. It can be used in any environment, from ‘shop floor’ through to office environments. Visual management is particularly useful in reducing ‘waste’ and providing discipline and structure within the workplace.
We work with you to assess your current environment, identify opportunities for improvement and implement appropriate solutions.
We can also support you by offering:
• Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
• Workplace organisation
• Training
• Workplace organisation
Workplace organisation, often referred to as 5S, is a structured approach to improving the layout and efficiency of a work area. It begins with a formalised process for ‘house cleaning’ and ends with embedding a culture of tidiness and ownership.
We guide and support you through the entire process. We also provide the tools and techniques needed to be successful at each stage, including those necessary for embedding the right culture within the selected work area!
We can also support you by offering:
• Process flow analysis / value stream mapping
• Standard operating procedures (SOPs)
• Visual management
• Training
• Training
We offer training and formal qualifications in Business Improvement Techniques. This nationally recognised qualification is fully funded (subject to availability) and delivered by qualified and experienced Trainers and Assessors. Ideal for new and existing employees who want to develop in today’s dynamic business environment.
Some areas training can help address:
• Poor quality work, products and service delivery
• Inconsistent performance
• Poor decision making
• Lack of leadership
• Few standard operating procedures (SOPs)
• No ownership of systems and processes
• Lack of suggestions for improvement