Delivering success!
With more and more companies entering the collaboration consultancy market it can be difficult to know with confidence which one is right for your business. Selecting the wrong company can be expensive, time consuming and frustrating. The wrong choice also damages future change initiatives as the subsequent impact on moral and your staff’s trust in you as managers to deliver performance improvement is reduced, irrespective of whether the next change is related to collaboration or not.
So the challenge is how to know who to use?
The Institute for Collaborative Working (ICW) are the world leading body on collaboration. They are the thought architects behind the international collaboration standard, ISO 44001, and have accredited certain individuals to act in association with them. As a part of their core team we have been accredited to deliver their training and provide support to organisations in accordance with their high standards. This mark of trust gives you the confidence of knowing your organisation is dealing with someone who has been independently tested and is routinely monitored to ensure the support we provide is the best available. In addition, you have comfort in knowing we have access to the best array of knowledge, tools and expertise in the world!
Our consultancy support provides you with:
- Faster implementation of collaborative working practices
- Reduced frustration between collaborative parties
- Improved innovation and collaborative success
- Enhanced profitability